Monday, March 10, 2014

Revisiting our Roots

This past Sunday my wife and I took our daughter on a family trip to visit UNCG. The University that we not only graduated from but more importantly we met and fell in love at. It’s a bit… No it’s drastically different walking through your college campus as a parent pushing a stroller than a 20 year old holding a slight buzz from the night before slumber party… Oh how time fly’s

We stopped by the historical “clock” at UNCG. Basically you are told that if you walk under it you will graduate late… Please believe it because I didn’t and I am the historical clocks testimony. Basically I graduated like one too many years later. My wife however, stands to uphold the truth behind not walking under the clock. She till this day has never done it! And to conclude her testimony she graduated in four years. I didn’t want to curse my daughter in case she became a future Spartan eighteen years later…

If you live in Greensboro, NC or have attended UNCG then you know that the best coffee in town comes from (Tate Street Coffee We treated ourselves to some coffee for our family adventure. There’s just something incredible that happens to you when you trace your footsteps back with your “partner in crime”. It’s simply a mixture of reminiscing on beautiful memories, admiring what one went through to get to where they are now, and staring down at your daughter with “goggly eyes whispering this was all for you love”. Moments like these work in the most subtle way to remind you how awesome of a husband and father you really are.

One thing that I want to stress to expecting parents is picking out a proper and effective stroller. You want one that is “light in weight”, “heavy duty ie. can carry your child, your wife’s pursue, your water or beverage of choice, daddy’s diaper bag, and laptop or iPad.”, “versatile”, and that can take turns like a Lamborghini. Our stroller resembles these exact words in very way. As I said earlier this small section of advice is to parents and expecting parents; these are the issues that we face and must overcome. Thank me later! We got it as a gift during our baby shower from our daughters’ grandmother. I urge parents to get it, you can check it out at your local Target: ( The stroller has some nice features too; it clicks right into the car seat that comes with. This makes it extremely easy when transforming from car to stroller.

Until next time your diaper changing stroller pushing wife romancer.

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