Friday, November 30, 2012

Spend LESS get MORE

Stop and think about your average monthly payment withdrawn to your gym. Next think about what services your gym offers and which you are using. The average facility offers:
  • Weight room
  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Basketball courts
  • After school daycare
  • Child watch center
Now that you have seen what your facility potentially offers, ask yourself are you spending X amount of money correctly. I know that 100% of my clients as well as my self did NOT need a gym. WHY? Most of us only went there 3 to 4 times a week for roughly 30min-60min. We did not have kids so did not need child watch or after school care. On top of that, if we did it would be an additional fee.
The average person pays $30/month in a gym for specific facility use. If this person wanted child watch, after school daycare and other services it would be with a supplemental fee. Some people have a gym membership for years and hardly go.
I urge everyone paying gym memberships to STOP and think about where there money is going. Next, add up what services you use. If it seems plausible to you, then by all means go for it. If not, there are other options: independent trainers, parks & outdoor facilities which are FREE.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 Exercises for a Wider BACK

If you're performing four or more exercises for your back, please STOP! There is absolutely NO need to spend that much time on a single muscle. What you are actually doing is overtraining ie. Working backwards. If the next day you feel that great "burn" and "tightness" in your back it’s due to overtraining. I have always stressed to my clients and followers on the simple philosophy of TARGET training. Do what is needed and no more = lifelong results.

Here are 3 exercises that will spread your back!

These are in no particular order! The order depends on your individual goals...

· Wide grip pull-ups
(These are old school and have yet let us down! Make sure that you only rise to the bar and not above it or you will place too much stress on the contracting muscles which could lead to a muscle strain).

  • Bent-over isolation barbell rows
    •  (Keep these nice and slow focusing on the relaxation and contraction phases equally. Too many people perform this exercise rapidly. Please make sure to go slow and fully stretch on the way down. If you are doing it right, you should feel the latissimus dorsi poke out each and every repetition).
  • · Dumbbell seated bent-over rows
    • (these unlike any other exercise listed should be performed last and with emphasis towards high volume training).

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time zone

Forget about counting every single repetition. Instead grab a stop watch and go until your time is up. Trust me, you will not anticipate working this hard.
Here is the problem with counting repetitions. We naturally tend to anticipate what's next and in turn trigger out bodies to work at specific rates. Take for instance, you are performing squats for 20 repetitions. You will 9 times out of 10 make your body start at a slow and comfortable rate in order to save enough energy to finish the set.

By using your stop watch you have no idea when to stop. Your just waiting and praying for the clock to beep so that you can rest. 
Next time your at the gym or at home give it a try.

Sample routine ( use weight 50% max):

Db jump squats 3x30 sec
Db isolation lunges 2x60 sec
Db shoulder press standing 4x20 sec
Db seated hammer curl 3x30 sec
Db standing upright row 2x60 sec
Db chest press 4x30 sec
Db walking lunges 3x45 sec
Db flys 2x45 sec
Db seated row 4x20 sec

Have fun

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Isolation = Leg Day

Leg days can be brutal and physical draining. Each and every set feels like the world is weighing down against you, you’re asking yourself “did I just run a thousand miles” because I’m sweating like a pig. Some of us love it and some you hate it! However, there is one simple basic theory behind anyone’s leg routine… You have to suck it up and do it.
I’m a huge fan of isolation and realistic results for all the average Joes, who can’t workout each and every day for 2 hours (sarcasm at its best). Please people don’t work out that long. Number 1. You’re not training for the Olympics. Number 2. Even physical activity degrades the body so only do what is simply necessary.

Let us get to work!

Isolation at its best
·       Warm-up
o   Wide stance body weight squats 2x60sec
o   Close stance body weight Jump squats 2x30sec
·       Work
o   Stiff legged deadlift 5:12x8x6x4x4
o   Incline Isolated lungs 3:30x30x30
·       Cool-down
o   Normal stance squat –while walking

Friday, November 23, 2012

First thing tomorrow morning!!!

  • Stretch
  • ·        1. Jump Squats 15x20x25x30
  • ·        1. Dumbbell seated shoulder press: 20x20x20x20
  • ·        2. 20 yard sprint (30sec on 30sec off = 5min total time)
      • Take breaks during 30sec off
  • ·        2. Dumbbell seated lateral raises: 30x30x30
  • ·        3. Push-ups 10x30secBREAKx10x30secBREAKx10
  • ·        3. Dumbbell seated reverse fly: 30x30x30
  • Stretch

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Keep it simple - In&Out

No one wants to workout for more than 30minutes. I do NOT! Do you?
Would you like to spend 45 minutes on the treadmill + 30 minutes lifting weights + 10 minutes doing stretching + 15minutes talking = 1hour and 40minutes!!! Trust me your probably reading this and going... "no thats wrong"... Trust me its not 95% of people who do go to gyms follow this routine. WHY??? Because the fitness trainers who work the floor tell them too! Crazy thing is these "fitness trainers" are not licensed they are 16year old school boys or part-time parents trying to make a book. The gym you go to pays them to B>S you!!! So that in return you will come more often and stay longer. Most gyms do not have licensed fitness floor staff (do not mistakes these for the personal trainers). People, unless you read a bio on the person than do NOT believe it.

Harder & Stronger ARMS

This isn't a 10second workout
You probably will not see results within a week
If you have the patience to wait for something good then keep reading. Everyone wants tone, tight, and rock hard arms. They are sexy during the summers when you are strolling through the beach in your two piece. They make you appear bigger and stronger than you, are when covered by a winter sweater.
Before trying this please throw away your old routine and try out something that WORKS!!!
Warm-up (arm stretches)
·        Db seated incline curls (when performing these make sure that you stretch your arm out all the way down and on the way up bring in your pinky towards your body) – 20x12x8x6
·        Db seated kicks backs (make sure that your are leaning all the way forward and basically laying on your knees. At the peak of the motion twist your palm so that it is facing towards the sky) – 15x15x15
·        Bb laying skull crusher (when performing these do NOT keep your arms in a straight line – instead lean them back a few degrees in order to reduce pressure on your elbow and emphasize the third head of your triceps) 8x8x6x20x20
·        Bb standing curls (make sure that you are going all the way down and all the way up. On the peak of the motion pull out your elbows about two inches to increase the pressure on your biceps instead of on the front-shoulder) 8x8x6x20x20

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Plan ahead - Spend less time in the kitchen

Spend a few hours on Sunday to plan your weekly meals.

Meal option #1

Items needed:
Pack of bone less chicken breast
5 cucumbers
5 yellow squash
2 onions
2 packs of mushroom
Crock pot
Zip lock bags
Buffalo sauce
Bbq sauce

Game plan:

Cut each chicken breast in half so you double your quantity and make each one about 4oz-20grams protein

Cut each cucumber, squash, onion and mushroom.

Put a chicken breast along with a handful in each zip lock bag.
Season each zip lock bag with your choice of salt and pepper, buffalo or bbq.

Label each bag buy its seasoning and give it a number and date. The bags should read (ex. Monday meal #1 bbq)

The day before your meal insert your designated food into the crock pot and place it on low for about 4-6 hours. Your meals will be ready on the go!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


25 push ups
25 toe touches
25 burpees
25 jumping jacks


20 walking push ups
20 jump squats
20 bicycles
20 split jumps
20 second plank


10 burpees
10 power squats
10 jump jack squats
10 superman push ups
10 suit case crunch
10 hip raises
10 staggered push ups
10 donkey kicks
10 jump squats
10 jumping knee tuck

DONE!!! 300 repetitions - 400 calories

Friday, November 9, 2012

What do you know about METABOLISM

  1. It may be genetic (NOT ALWAYS)
  2. You can increase your metabolism and/or control it by exercising
  3. You can increase your metabolism and/or control it by eating healthy
  4. Unhealthy diets can cause your metabolism to decrease by 30%
  5. Exercising in the heat increases metabolism by 10%

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Leading by example - A healthy trade mark

Today’s post is not about how many repetitions or sets to do. It’s not about which exercises hits specific areas or the most efficient way to get into the best shape of your life. TODAY is about leading by example. As I see so many parents out of shape and eating like it isn’t anyone’s one business, I stop and think WHY? I understand that the food is delicious and that there could be underlining psychological/psychosocial problems which are manifesting their urge to eat. However, outside of those standards why… These same individuals I see consume large portions in already oversize plates are fathers and mothers. People need to understand that there trends and behaviors are being copied by their children. It doesn’t matter how smart, wealthy or whatever your privilege may be. Cardiovascular disease takes no sides.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do have FLAB?

There are several places to that we have flab hanging around like some old unwanted friend. Several years ago when you where downing brownies and cupcakes with your buddy “Mr. Flab” things might have been okay. But now that you have switched gears and gotten your body into shape, that sucker still wants to hang around. I’m talking about that “flab” right in between your thighs. Some call it “chub-rub”…

How do we get rid of it?

Change your lower body routine to “TARGET” – This is a new trend and exercise routine where you specifically focus on one primary area from the biggest muscle to the small one. In this situation we have the Quadriceps and the Hamstrings as big boys. Then we “TARGET” the supporting muscle groups (ie. the babies causing you "FLAB"). You want to make sure that while your performing these reps they are not full range of motion. Instead perform the last portion of the motion back and forth, this way you will place greater stress on the “TARGET” FLAB.

What exercises work best?

·        4x30 Stationary Isolation lunges: When performing this first start with your right leg in front to form your lunge stance. From that position go up and down with the back knee then switch.
·        3x20 Stiff Legged dead lift: Start this by placing 2.5 pound plates or a platform about the width of an inch under your toes. By doing so your toes will be elevated compared to your heels. Next stand in front of the barbell and straighten your legs out to a locked knee position. During the up and down phase two key factors should be maintained. 1. Knees locked 100% of the time. 2. Toes pointing up during the down phase of the routine.
·        Laying isolation “TARGET” reps: 60sec per leg - 5sets

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


You got 20minutes to get your workout in and out. Your goal is not to go in there and jump around like some "insanity" character. Instead, you want to maintain focus on the muscle groups that you would normally emphasis. Your chest and shoulder workout typically take at least 30 to 45min. and I'm going to guess for most of you an hour minimum. Truth of the matter is that you don’t have that much time each and every day to allocate to exercising. It isn’t as simple as “there is always time to exercise”. For some of you, there are priorities: kids, school, work, etc… I’m sure exercising is up there as your top “5”, but we need to get the most out of 20min as possible.
Here is a break down to a new chest and shoulder routine. Try it out this week and see how fast you leave the gym AND how your results will skyrocket!!!

·        Stretch
·        1. Barbell flat bench press: 20x20x15x12
·        1. Dumbbell seated shoulder press: 20x20x20x20
·        2. Incline barbell bench press: 12x8x6
·        2. Dumbbell seated lateral raises: 30x30x30
·        3. Dumbbell incline fly: 20x20x20
·        3. Dumbbell seated reverse fly: 30x30x30

This routine will allow you to build a tight tone frame and increase your definition.

Monday, November 5, 2012 countdown - secret all women wish they new countdown is specifically designed for females. Females differ when it comes to arm development and genetics versus males. Women tend to hold more weight in the arms and have weaker upper body strength. For those two key reasons you can NOT give a female the same arm workout as you would a male.

Before you start make sure that you stretch your biceps, triceps, and shoulders. After the entire countdown take a two minute break and repeat 3-4 cycles.

KEY is to pace yourself

4. 40 seated dumbbell hammer curls
4. 40 laying dumbbell skull crushers
4. 40 seated dumbbell lateral raises
4. 40 seated dumbbell reverse flys

BREAK - 1min

3. 30 seated dumbbell Arnold press
3. 30 laying dumbbell skull crushers
3. 30 seated dumbbell front raises

BREAK - 45 sec

2. 20 seated dumbbell incline curls
2. 20 standing dumbbell kickbacks

BREAK - 30sec

1. 100 knee push-ups close grip

Friday, November 2, 2012

3 exercises that will CHANGE your legs

If you are reading this then you need help when it comes to lower body exercises. One of the main problems people have when exercising their lower body is that they think they need to do lots of exercises. WRONG – Completely wrong!!!

If your leg routine has you performing: squats, deadlifts, jump squats, lunges, step-ups… Then that is already too many. In actuality what you are doing is initially exercising the muscles properly, followed by over-exercising (ie. Tearing the muscle negatively).

Let us outline the leg with the 4 major muscle groups:
1.     Hamstrings
2.     Quadriceps
3.     Gluteus
4.     Calves

Okay so we have 4 major muscle groups and each has subgroups. As long as we are properly exercising the main group – WE ARE OKAY!!! If you are a bodybuilder, fitness model, etc… (Basically someone who needs to show more definition on stage then you have a completely different routine).

3 powerful dynamic exercises that cover the four major lower body muscle groups:
·        Back full Squat
o   Primary muscle group hit: Quadriceps
o   Secondary: Calves, Gluteus & Hamstrings
·        Stiff Leg Deadlift
o   Primary muscle groups hit: Hamstrings & Calves
o   Secondary: Gluteus
·        Lunges
o   Primary muscle group hit: Quadriceps
o   Secondary: Calves, Gluteus & Hamstrings
Okay now that you have the exercises, you need a routine: This is the most complex part which people seem to overlook. People it is not SIMPLE. You need to make sure that your sets and repetitions make sense and that they portray your end goal each and every day of your routine. If not, you’ll end up wasting your time and finding results on and off!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Are you avoiding SUGAR

One of my clients asked me what he should do to "avoid" sugar. This is how the conversation went:

Client: What should I do to "avoid" sugar?
Me: Well first you need to understand WHAT sugar is and its purpose
Client: I have always been told that sugar is bad and I should try an avoid it like salts
Me: Sugar, like salt affects us negatively in large quantities. However, we need both and should not avoid them entirely. Instead you should consume then adequately.
Client: Okay, that makes sense. So basically eat less sugar and don’t add it as much

Me: Exactly start with small changes and be able to distinguish all the foods that have large quantities of sugar.
Client: Okay, that should be easy. I guess I’ll just start to read the label more often and see how much sugar it has.
Me: That’s a good start but sugar has many “code” names. So here is a list to avoid and watch out for:

Honey, sucrose, xylose, molasses, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, maltodextrin, maple syrup, and the big one HIGH fructose corn syrup.