Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lets make memories

Its a beautiful Saturday morning, aside from the 8 inches of packed on snow and ice. Looks the weatherman was off by just few inches. Things are as one would only assume in the house of Santos Family with a three week old newborn. My wife is carrying our daughter on her hip with a sling, cooking her king (AKA me) eggs and pancakes and vacumming with her free hand... I need to stop daydreaming. Things here are eventful! We are learning "whats wrong" before "whats right". You learn and you live. Right...

Its daddys turn to change and dress our precious little girl. What to wear... what to wear... I think this is a pretty good option! I mean she does seem to enjoy wearing it... Needless to say, I am her father and with great power comes great responsibility.  That was until "mom" came into the room and demanded to change her. Something about looking like a clown...

What is it with mothers thinking that they hold some unique genetic code that allows them to know what looks "good" on a child. In basic terms if the mother dresses the child their can only come praise and admiration from that. Is that even fair? Where is the equality? The justice? Perhaps I've chosen the wrong fight...

I think she looks great.

What do you think?...

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