Monday, September 17, 2012

Who doesn't love progress!

If you are exercising, you need to be measuring! Your results! Progression is key.

There is no point to coming into the gym and guessing or assuming what sets and repetitions you should be doing today. I'm not talking about body confusion, even that has measurements. Each and every individual should be logging their information into some kind of recording system. By doing so you can keep up with which areas are strong and which are in need of a push. 90% of injuries occur due to individuals not recording their progression.

What happens to us is that we tend to emphasis the key areas that either make us feel and look better or that others see first. For instance, our legs... we tend to emphasize the quadriceps instead of the hamstrings --- short-term there might be no injury --- but in the long run you'll be visiting your local physical therapist for a strained/torn hamstring.

Key points:
  1. Record your exercises
  2. Exercises each and every muscle--- to the last and smallest ones
  3. When its time to increase the weight or the repetitions --- make the needed change!
  4. Age don't count for !!!! 
    • If you 50 going on 60; given no medical restrictions -- push it like a 30 year old.

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