Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Family Time

Before I Begin... Please tell me she is just not the cutest looking baby you have EVER seen!
These past few weeks have really came and gone. It seems that with the arrival of our daughter we have drastically increased the amount of time spent with family and friends. It literally feels like every other day someone is knocking on my door wants to see my daughter or my phone is ringing with my mother or father asking when their granddaughter is coming to visit. There definitely is an essence built around babies… one that pulls friends, family and loved ones closer and closer together. Connections with past friends are re-established and differences with friends or family are put aside just for the few seconds one can spend with a baby.
Working Hard!

Celebrating the finish product (wife holding our daughter under the blanket and Matt N. on the right)
Looking back now (I know I’m not an old timer like other parents out there) but… looking back since my daughters’ arrival roughly over 2 months, I have really felt a fire lit under by booty. With the amount of family time we have been spending I am wanted to do some renovation to the outdoor space and get it ready for bon fires and quality family time. My wife and I made our trip to Home Depot for .25 cent bricks and spent all day Saturday (literally 9 hours) to get the brick floor down. We had a surprise visit from friends to break in the patio and fire pit. I’m hoping the new space continues to bring family and friends around for my daughter to have many many many many fund memories to look back on!
Learning Lessons each day: Having a child is a blessing and a “push” that makes you want to do so much more in life. I thank her each and every day J

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