Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Easter 2014 - Nola
Proud Daddy moment! This weekend has been an absolute experience for my family and I. Today of all days (Easter) my daughter Nola decides to perform her first official full ROLL. She did it! First and foremost, I prior to becoming a “Daddy” did not anticipate that I would feel so proud of her for “rolling from her front to her back”. It’s absolutely crazy how parents achieve such an intense level of love, passion and overwhelming satisfaction for each “small” or “large” accomplishment achieved by their child. My wife and I are… Happy! To say the least.

So you are probably wondering… oh… how did this even happen?… Please please tell me the full story from start to finish and don’t leave anything out. Okay… if you must ask…-----so my wife and I are gathered around my daughter while she is playing on her play area. A few feet in front of my daughter is her grandmother… as usual mesmerizing the beauty and excellence of her granddaughter. As we are chatting up a storm and watching my daughter kick and push from side to side… BAM! It was beautiful she kicked and pushed her way to a half roll and finally a full roll. Oh… I am absolutely and entirely proud of my daughter. She’s only midway through her second month of life and has already amazed me with her “rollover”. Life can only get so much better from here!

Mom - Dad - Nola - Granpa photobombing
Nola - Granpa
My dad (AKA Granpa… AKA  Papa…) had some quality time with baby Nola out at the beach. As you can tell catching giant fish. As I’m looking at this picture I’m not even sure how the fishing line is holding up this immense pounder. We ate for days! This picture is actually a learning experience for me. I’m hoping that when I take my first picture with my daughter I have a huge fish on the line. That way when she gets older she will “believe” my fishing tales… J
Easter Weekend was a SUCCESS

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