Thursday, November 15, 2012

Harder & Stronger ARMS

This isn't a 10second workout
You probably will not see results within a week
If you have the patience to wait for something good then keep reading. Everyone wants tone, tight, and rock hard arms. They are sexy during the summers when you are strolling through the beach in your two piece. They make you appear bigger and stronger than you, are when covered by a winter sweater.
Before trying this please throw away your old routine and try out something that WORKS!!!
Warm-up (arm stretches)
·        Db seated incline curls (when performing these make sure that you stretch your arm out all the way down and on the way up bring in your pinky towards your body) – 20x12x8x6
·        Db seated kicks backs (make sure that your are leaning all the way forward and basically laying on your knees. At the peak of the motion twist your palm so that it is facing towards the sky) – 15x15x15
·        Bb laying skull crusher (when performing these do NOT keep your arms in a straight line – instead lean them back a few degrees in order to reduce pressure on your elbow and emphasize the third head of your triceps) 8x8x6x20x20
·        Bb standing curls (make sure that you are going all the way down and all the way up. On the peak of the motion pull out your elbows about two inches to increase the pressure on your biceps instead of on the front-shoulder) 8x8x6x20x20

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