Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do have FLAB?

There are several places to that we have flab hanging around like some old unwanted friend. Several years ago when you where downing brownies and cupcakes with your buddy “Mr. Flab” things might have been okay. But now that you have switched gears and gotten your body into shape, that sucker still wants to hang around. I’m talking about that “flab” right in between your thighs. Some call it “chub-rub”…

How do we get rid of it?

Change your lower body routine to “TARGET” – This is a new trend and exercise routine where you specifically focus on one primary area from the biggest muscle to the small one. In this situation we have the Quadriceps and the Hamstrings as big boys. Then we “TARGET” the supporting muscle groups (ie. the babies causing you "FLAB"). You want to make sure that while your performing these reps they are not full range of motion. Instead perform the last portion of the motion back and forth, this way you will place greater stress on the “TARGET” FLAB.

What exercises work best?

·        4x30 Stationary Isolation lunges: When performing this first start with your right leg in front to form your lunge stance. From that position go up and down with the back knee then switch.
·        3x20 Stiff Legged dead lift: Start this by placing 2.5 pound plates or a platform about the width of an inch under your toes. By doing so your toes will be elevated compared to your heels. Next stand in front of the barbell and straighten your legs out to a locked knee position. During the up and down phase two key factors should be maintained. 1. Knees locked 100% of the time. 2. Toes pointing up during the down phase of the routine.
·        Laying isolation “TARGET” reps: 60sec per leg - 5sets

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