Saturday, March 1, 2014

Diaper Duty

It seems like we are changing 100 diapers a day. Has it become my new job to be on diaper duty… did I just receive a B.S in humanities for my incredible diaper changing skills! I guess it wasn’t a joke when people said that the first few months would consist of eating and SH!!
I love my daughter but, man… its’ literally like it comes in one way and out the other. I guess she got that from both of us. There are “good” things to changing diapers though. Let me enlighten you on what happens right before changing a diaper that is amazing. Okay… so my daughter will begin crying and fussing…she’s not hungry so we aren’t really sure what’s wrong with her. I’m not a mind reader, so all I can do is hold her and kiss her. Sometimes this works other times it doesn’t. Instead something amazing happens that calms her down so much it will literally trip her out “as if she just got high” and BAM! she’s asleep with a smile on her face. So you’re asking what happens… you want to know the secret… She farts and poops. Yes it stinks, but you know what I don’t care about the smell. That’s not the after affect I am looking for. It’s what happens next…It’s the sedation. For some reason or another, my daughter will just let it loose and then sigh in relief… for a nice nap. At first I was really alert and felt like changing her diaper. I mean, I didn’t want her sitting on a dirty diaper…But, now that I’ve been running on three to four hours of sleep. I’ll let it sit.


Here is a quick recommendation to those dealing with the nasty business of dirty diapers. Please invest in a Diaper Genie! They are AWESOME. These things contain the smell to the highest degree while holding like 100 diapers before you have to readjust the bag. They are $29.99 at Target and well worth the money!

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