Here are 3 Exercises every baseball pitcher should be doing:
- Barbell back squat (focus on quadriceps): This exercise is performed by having your legs shoulder width with your shoulders and toes slightly out to reduce pressure off of the knees. As most baseball pitchers are extremely tall, the downward phase will be reduced to decrease unwanted pressure on the hips and lower back. Make sure to go down right above 90 degrees and no lower.
- Barbell lunge stationary (focuses on hips, gluteus, quadriceps and hamstrings): This exercise starts off with feet shoulder width. Pitchers specifically will face forward in with each repetition will bring their directing leg up and forward to a full lunge. It is critically to imitate the pitching format by having the knee high followed by a long forward stretch. Perform this routine in clockwise format to the 12, 3, and 6 o’clock.
- Barbell stiff legged dead lift (focuses on the calf, hamstrings and gluteus): Stand shoulder width while facing the barbell. Place small 2.5lb plates under your feet no further then the ball of your feet. Your feet should be arched with toes up throughout the entire exercise. It is critical to remember to keep your knees locked at all times and toes up. You will naturally feel a deep stretch pulling from behind the calf all the way up to your gluteus.
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