Monday, December 31, 2012

Bigger Stronger Arms

Toss your routine to the side for 30min. and FEEL the difference!

Start by warming up your arms with push-ups for 2 sets of 20 reps any style. Next follow the routine below as written out.
  1. Barbell standing curl (full extension) 8x6x4 --- start at 70% Max - 80%-90%
  2. Dumbbell skull crushers (laying on a flat surface) --- perform 2x30 @50% Max
  3. Dumbbell hammer curls (seated leaning forward) --- the forward lean isolates the biceps and removes pressure from the shoulders. --- 12x8x6 --- start at 70% Max - 80%-90%
  4. Barbell laying skull crushers (laying on a flat surface) --- 3x15 @60% Max

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Exercises Every Pitcher should do

Baseball has 9 positions with each one requiring individual needs and expectations. As the pitcher your main objective is to lead the team in a manner similar to a quarterback in football. Pitchers are required to have tremendous power originating from the core and legs do to their pivotal role as the force factor. Many people think that pitchers should perform exercises such as the bench press or shoulder press due to the large strength gains in the chest and shoulders. However, the force required to release the ball is strictly molded by the strength and speed of the core, hips, and legs.

Here are 3 Exercises every baseball pitcher should be doing:

  1. Barbell back squat (focus on quadriceps): This exercise is performed by having your legs shoulder width with your shoulders and toes slightly out to reduce pressure off of the knees. As most baseball pitchers are extremely tall, the downward phase will be reduced to decrease unwanted pressure on the hips and lower back. Make sure to go down right above 90 degrees and no lower.
  2. Barbell lunge stationary (focuses on hips, gluteus, quadriceps and hamstrings): This exercise starts off with feet shoulder width. Pitchers specifically will face forward in with each repetition will bring their directing leg up and forward to a full lunge. It is critically to imitate the pitching format by having the knee high followed by a long forward stretch. Perform this routine in clockwise format to the 12, 3, and 6 o’clock. 
  3. Barbell stiff legged dead lift (focuses on the calf, hamstrings and gluteus): Stand shoulder width while facing the barbell. Place small 2.5lb plates under your feet no further then the ball of your feet. Your feet should be arched with toes up throughout the entire exercise. It is critical to remember to keep your knees locked at all times and toes up. You will naturally feel a deep stretch pulling from behind the calf all the way up to your gluteus.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

5x5 breaks any plateau

If you are stuck in a relentless effort towards pushing past a bench press mark or dead lift number, I got the answer. This routine works for anyone, regardless of your progression or strength. It does not matter if you are a bodybuilder, athlete or just an average Joe! The routine is simple and based of off percentages. First you need to perform your 1 repetition max to your best ability with the target exercise. Next you will take 90% of that number and perform your most powerful routine for 5x5.

If your primary goal is to break your incline bench press max then place this new 5x5 routine into your set up and watch instant results within 2 weeks. It is critical for you to make sure that your primary exercise is the one which you are performing the 5x5. You should also take note to complete 3 exercises to the specific areas and only train it once a week. It is to your advantage to perform the 5x5 first!

Sample routine

Goal: Break incline bench press mark 225lbs
Time Frame: 2 weeks

1. Warm-up: Incline Db Fly 2x30
2. Incline Bench Press 5x5 @ 90% 1repMax
3. Flat Bench Press 8x6x4
4. Db flat bench press 2x30

Monday, December 17, 2012

2 Leg Exercises you should be doing

  1. Barbell Split Squat
    • Line yourself up under the bar as if you are to perform a traditional back squat. Feet shoulder width with toes pointed slightly out in order to reduce tension on the knees. Place two 2inch plates a full lunge in front of you. Rep per rep you are going to lunge forward while stepping on the plate in front of you bring your back knee down to a full stretch then reset and continue with the opposite leg.
  2. Dumbbell Hip Hinge
    • This routine is similar to the stiff legged squat and good mornings. The main difference is the use of the Dumbbells instead of the barbells. Dumbbells will take away just about all of the pressure from your lower back and focus it on the legs and glutues. Key is to make sure that each repetition you are pushing your hips back as if "sticking your butt out" while allowing the dumbbells to come down lined up with the legs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Small meals work

HINT!!! Small meals

This means that the only serving greater than a cup should be coming from your fruits and vegetables. If you are on a protein and weight gaining routine, you should also abide by these rules. You are however, able to increase your protein intake to equal size of fruits/vegetables. Please do not go overboard. Too many individuals think that they need a substantial amount of protein for their incredible workout. Truth is, you are not working out to an extent which requires extreme levels of protein. Unless you are an athlete or fit into that category, your protein intake should be .8grams per body weight.
If some of you are pushing the weights and tossing protein related supplements back like water and have yet to see real substantial results within 5 weeks then your nutritional routine needs work. Keep following for more TIPS & TRICKS on living healthy ;)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Target training

Target training is a personal development I have came up with. The entire basis of this program is for specification. Meaning that you will find exactly what you need here.
This is geared towards the individuals looking to tighten their obliques or those wanting to bring out their biceps femoris.
My goal is too help you work on SPECIFIC areas by using exercises that WORK.

sample routine for glutes:

1. Isolated Donkey kicks with bands 4X30sec

2. Wide stance Barbell squat. 20X12X8X6

3. Isolated reverse lunges 5X20
