Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mommies simply wear more hats than a man can count

Before I even begin my spill, I want say thank you a thousand times over and over to my wife and the mother of my beautiful daughter. It’s simply not enough to whisper the gracious words “thank you” to your wife.  As a new father, I have begun to see how my love, admiration and respect continues to grow for my wife. She is simply amazing and to be completely honest with you… I don’t know how she does it. Day in and day out. She continues to face obstacles and with each she faces their never seems to be a time that she falls.

This weekend, my wife had a few of her girlfriends over. So I did what any loving and dedicated husband would do. I gave her the weekend off from “mommy duties”. It was what I like to call “Girls Weekend”.

Mom + Dad + Nola
 So how was my experience with my beautiful daughter Nola…As always, it was perfect… beyond words… would not could not will not trade it for the world. Yet, I the two days that I spent as “full-time” daddy where… draining and difficult at times. There were times in which our daughter would cry and as her supportive father, I would bounce her…sing to her… walk her in the stroller… etc… until something worked. And if none of the above worked, then a quick phone call to “mommy” would solve the problem. That’s simply it… “Mommy’s” fix the problem. They are in every way deserving of “thank you”.

As I’m reflecting on the weekend… she really didn’t have that large of a break. Although she did have a “break” she was always available and in the vicinity to breast feed our daughter as needed. I have no idea… literally “zero” idea as to how my wife and all you mothers do it. Day in and day out – staying home with your child. Please do not interpret my words as seeming that “I don’t love or enjoy being with my daughter” I do and wouldn’t trade my life for all the glories in the world. I am in very way amazed! Amazed as to how my wife battles life as a mother, wife, caretaker, etc. I don’t know how she fits the time into her day to workout, to read, to shop, to cook, to clean, etc… The two days I spent as “full-time” daddy left me mentally fatigued and physically drained.

This week and those to come, I thank my wife for who she is and what she does for us


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Easter 2014 - Nola
Proud Daddy moment! This weekend has been an absolute experience for my family and I. Today of all days (Easter) my daughter Nola decides to perform her first official full ROLL. She did it! First and foremost, I prior to becoming a “Daddy” did not anticipate that I would feel so proud of her for “rolling from her front to her back”. It’s absolutely crazy how parents achieve such an intense level of love, passion and overwhelming satisfaction for each “small” or “large” accomplishment achieved by their child. My wife and I are… Happy! To say the least.

So you are probably wondering… oh… how did this even happen?… Please please tell me the full story from start to finish and don’t leave anything out. Okay… if you must ask…-----so my wife and I are gathered around my daughter while she is playing on her play area. A few feet in front of my daughter is her grandmother… as usual mesmerizing the beauty and excellence of her granddaughter. As we are chatting up a storm and watching my daughter kick and push from side to side… BAM! It was beautiful she kicked and pushed her way to a half roll and finally a full roll. Oh… I am absolutely and entirely proud of my daughter. She’s only midway through her second month of life and has already amazed me with her “rollover”. Life can only get so much better from here!

Mom - Dad - Nola - Granpa photobombing
Nola - Granpa
My dad (AKA Granpa… AKA  Papa…) had some quality time with baby Nola out at the beach. As you can tell catching giant fish. As I’m looking at this picture I’m not even sure how the fishing line is holding up this immense pounder. We ate for days! This picture is actually a learning experience for me. I’m hoping that when I take my first picture with my daughter I have a huge fish on the line. That way when she gets older she will “believe” my fishing tales… J
Easter Weekend was a SUCCESS

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Family Time

Before I Begin... Please tell me she is just not the cutest looking baby you have EVER seen!
These past few weeks have really came and gone. It seems that with the arrival of our daughter we have drastically increased the amount of time spent with family and friends. It literally feels like every other day someone is knocking on my door wants to see my daughter or my phone is ringing with my mother or father asking when their granddaughter is coming to visit. There definitely is an essence built around babies… one that pulls friends, family and loved ones closer and closer together. Connections with past friends are re-established and differences with friends or family are put aside just for the few seconds one can spend with a baby.
Working Hard!

Celebrating the finish product (wife holding our daughter under the blanket and Matt N. on the right)
Looking back now (I know I’m not an old timer like other parents out there) but… looking back since my daughters’ arrival roughly over 2 months, I have really felt a fire lit under by booty. With the amount of family time we have been spending I am wanted to do some renovation to the outdoor space and get it ready for bon fires and quality family time. My wife and I made our trip to Home Depot for .25 cent bricks and spent all day Saturday (literally 9 hours) to get the brick floor down. We had a surprise visit from friends to break in the patio and fire pit. I’m hoping the new space continues to bring family and friends around for my daughter to have many many many many fund memories to look back on!
Learning Lessons each day: Having a child is a blessing and a “push” that makes you want to do so much more in life. I thank her each and every day J

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Babies Need Their Daddies

Daddies across the board can relate on how “little” our babies need us the first few months (so far…). There should be a sign that says: listen up parents your child from ages birth to (ohhh… about the age that your child gets the sense to know who runs the household) will not need her Daddy.

 Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s quite simple. My daughter will cry and fuss… so what does she need… a cuddle from her dad? No… Okay option two, maybe a bounce up and down from her Dad or a rattle here or there to get her to feel better? No… Wait… I got it…Magic answer is…. MOMMY… For the past seven weeks of my daughter’s life, I’ve stayed up nights thinking and brainstorming as to what MOMMY has that I don’t. Well hot damn! Breast Feeding… That’s the magic answer, that’s what makes babies calm and relax after a temper tantrum.
Please don’t read this and think to yourself, hmm… he’s not a good dad or he’s too hard on himself. It’s not that. It’s just… if we are talking statistics here then… 2 out of 10 times I can calm my daughter down. The other 8 times the magic “breast feeding” does its trick. Oh the simple joys of being Mr. Dad. But you know what… there is a flip side to this coin. I’m assuming in about two years from now when my daughter is mentally able to look up at her “awesome” dad and say… “you know what I love my dad he is the man”. Yes, that’s the day that my daughter will be all mine!

I look forward to the day that I get home from work and find my daughter crying and fussing with my wife in the background shouting “she needs her Dad”. As I walk in, I’m looking around the house with a wicked smirk shouting Yes!!!... can’t wait ohhh… I just can’t wait!